Wellbeing Prayers

Taking care of our self, mind body and soul is crucial to wellbeing. Below are a number of different forms of spiritual practices aimed at enabling wellbeing by audio led meditation. See below the three different forms we offer online.

The Welcoming Prayer

If you are finding it hard to manage your emotions or feeling forms of physical or mental pain or stress, the Welcoming Prayer is aimed at helping bring centredness and relief from intense feelings. So get your self into a comfortable position in a chair where you are well supported and can be still and attentive and in a place where you will not be distracted or disturbed. To print off a written version of the prayer click here.

The Morning Wellbeing Prayer

This prayer is designed at promoting emotional integration of the parts of us who are child, adolescent and adult before God who is Trinity at the beginning of the day. The Judeo-Christian tradition teaches us that wellbeing is also about surrender to the divine on a daily basis as part of our wellbeing. This prayer practice is designed to be used first thing on waking up. To print off a written version of the prayer click here.

The End of the Day Wellbeing Prayer

This prayer is for the end of the day before going to sleep aimed again at integration, but also a sense inner peace and centredness to aid sleep when you not feeling well or stressed. Again as with the Morning Wellbeing Prayer, this spiritual practice attends to the multiplicity of our self as child, adolescent and adult coming before God who is Trinity, and requires surrender to this God as an act of the will and intention on a daily basis. To print off a written version of the prayer click here.

Ignatian meditation on grief

Ignatian meditation on anxiety

Ignatian meditation on depression

Ignatian meditation on loneliness

Ignatian meditation on insomnia

Hand to heart meditation

This short practice is to help develop a physical focus on the heart for meditation